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Gujarat corona update date 27 august 2020

Gujarat corona update date 27 august 2020

A further 116 positive cases of corona have been reported in Vadodara city and district today, according to figures released by the corporation. Thus the total number of positive cases has risen to 7576 and today the official death toll has risen to 136 with 2 more patients dying. A further 108 patients have been discharged from the hospital in Vadodara today. So far a total of 5853 people have beaten Corona. Out of 1587 active cases in Vadodara, 161 patients are on oxygen and 59 patients are on ventilator and 1367 patients are in stable condition.

Corona cases were reported in these areas of Vadodara today
City: Karelibagh, Gorwa, Vasna, Makarpura, Vaghodia Road, Panigate, Maneja, Tarsali, Manjalpur, Subhanpura, Dandia Bazar, Akota, Ajwa Road, Mandvi, Gotri, Fatehganj, Nizampura, Tandalja, Warsia, Sama, Laxmipura
Rural: Sayajipura, Varanama, Por, Dasharath, Vemali, Savli, Shinor, Karjan, Padra, Dabhoi

2 more patients die during corona treatment in Vadodara
Two more patients died during treatment of corona in Vadodara city. An 88-year-old man from Godhra died at a private hospital and a 49-year-old man from Bodeli died at Gotri Hospital.

There are currently 3829 people quarantined in Vadodara
Currently 3829 people have been quarantined in Vadodara city. Out of which 3819 people are home quarantine, 7 people are quarantine in private facility and 3 people are quarantine in government facility.

Highest 1926 cases in the North Zone
So far 7576 positive cases of corona have been reported in Vadodara city. Out of which 1290 cases have been reported in East Zone, 1167 in West Zone, 1926 in North Zone, 1493 in South Zone, 1666 in rural Vadodara and 34 cases have been reported from outside cities and states.

172 vaccines are being developed worldwide to prevent the spread of the corona virus. Of these, 31 vaccines are in clinical trials. The speed of vaccine trials has also increased a lot considering the speed of the epidemic. The vaccine, which takes three to four years to make, is in competition to be made quickly and delivered to the people. This raises the question of whether the vaccine must be effective before it reaches the public.

Leaders around the world are now looking to scientists and experts in the field for vaccines. Saying that the vaccine will hit the market in early 2021. After that, taxes will also be eliminated. But it is important to understand that vaccines are just like any other product. It is not important that the product is available, but it is also important that it is just as effective.


What difference does it make how effective a vaccine is?

It makes a lot of difference. If there was no difference in effectiveness, Ghami would have been in the vaccine market by now. Russia's vaccine is not criticized. The effectiveness of a vaccine depends on how effective it is.
Different vaccines offer different levels of protection. That's what scientists call the effectiveness of vaccines. This is the only way to measure the effectiveness of a vaccine. This is only counteracted by the effectiveness trial.
If 100 healthy people are vaccinated and the effectiveness of the vaccine is 80%. So that means 80 out of 100 people will not get the corona virus. It also means that 20 people can be infected with the corona virus.

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