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Info about environmental sanitation

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Family level hygiene

A good quality home is an important element for building a healthy village. Disorganized house design can cause many health problems and can cause problems like tuberculosis, transmission disease and stress and depression.

Bad home problems

Narrow and congested condition helps in increasing the mess and provides a suitable environment for the spread of the disease ie it helps in spreading the disease through mosquitoes and other carriers.

Low sanitation in the house creates the possibility of contamination of food and water.

Lack of clean air inside the home can cause respiratory problems and inadequate lighting system.

Stress problems are more common among people living in disorganized houses.

Air movement

In homes where wood, coal and cow dung are used to cook food or to keep the house warm, there should be enough space for air to flow in these houses because when these fuels release smoke, it contains hazardous chemicals and particles. Is included. This can lead to respiratory problems such as bronchitis and asthma and can provide a fair chance for the spread of tuberculosis / tuberculosis / tuberculosis.

If women and children spend more time in their homes or in the kitchen, then their health may be affected due to poor air circulation. In the houses where food is prepared inside the house, there should be such a system that the smoke should be removed from the house soon. This problem can be solved by constructing houses that have maximum window arrangements, and especially in the kitchen.


Poor lighting in homes can have a very bad effect on human and his health. This is particularly worrisome for women, who do cooking work indoors. Natural light can be arranged in homes by providing more windows and such problems can be solved. If there is a matter of security, the window can be placed in a place where people outside cannot see inside the house or it can be fitted with a wire mesh that makes it possible for light to enter. Increased or adequate amount of natural light is also very important for cleaning the house. If there is darkness in the house, it would be difficult to see the dust and dirt that is there and it is not possible to clean it.

Home disease carrier

The entry of insects and insects into the house should be prevented by keeping the house clean, otherwise the house may be contaminated with disease carriers. The number of pathogenic insects can be reduced by covering food and cleaning the garbage. If a mosquito or a fly is causing problems, the window and the doors of the house should be covered with gauze, it should be kept closed at night and mosquito nets should be put on the bed regularly. Cleanliness around the house necessarily reduces the risk of spreading the disease.

House congestion

More congestion in homes is also the cause of the disease because the disease spreads easily there because due to less space people are always under stress and they are sick. More congestion is associated with socio-economic strata. The poor often have limited choice and are forced to live in confined spaces. In theory, health status can be improved by increasing the number of rooms in homes, but actually increasing the number of rooms is quite difficult. By careful family planning, the number of people in the house can be limited and freedom from the problem of excessive congestion can be found. If people in the community feel overcrowded, they may take the initiative to pressure their landlord to provide more space at a reasonable cost. For this, initiative can be taken in collaboration with the local government and pressure groups to amend the housing policy and house tenancy law so that houses can be available to all in sufficient quantity.

Compost toilet information

Stool is an object that is born in our stomach, but as soon as it is separated from our body, we do not like to see or think about it.

But statistics show that even after 100 years of the invention of flush latrine, only 15% of the people in the world have reached this symbol of modern development and despite being a flush latrine, more than 95% of this sewage is still present in the rivers. The medium reaches the sea without any treatment.

Nearly half of the world's people have pit latrine where sewage collects in the bottom pit, and according to the data, most of these are seeping into the ground and polluting the ground water. Cities like Bilaspur in Chhattisgarh are examples of this.


And what to say about the cities, according to the Planning Commission data, even in the capital Delhi, 20% of sewage is not treated, the remaining sewage reaches Yamuna directly after the flush. This world has made a lot of progress, the man has reached the moon and does not know where but we do not know what to do with our feces. Has anyone done any math that if you have to bring a flush toilet and treat that sewage, then how much will it cost in this race of development?

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